The Menopause Stores

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A Letter to Our Doctors

We appreciate you as a doctor.

BUT we rely on you to address OUR needs, not what YOU think are our needs.

We will not allow you to dismiss any of our concerns as one thing or another because of our age. We know our bodies better than you and we know what is not right.

Your job is getting more difficult, and we get it. There are more diseases, more things you need to learn and keep on up. But since you chose this as a profession, we expect you to keep up and to do what you can to help us feel better.

Even if that means a second opinion.

It means quick referrals. Wait times for appointments are long.

You will not schedule unnecessary appointments when there is a faster easier solution for me, the Patient.

You will take the shortest route possible to help me feel better.

I will not be invisible.