The Menopause Stores

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Menopause and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

What does your menopause cause you to miss out on? I no longer have a fear of missing out (FOMO) because I know I’m going to miss out. I know there is a 100 percent chance I will miss out on some things I wish to do in my life right now.

Over the last five and a half years I have missed some get togethers, some sleep-overs some nights out due to my menopause but the one thing I am missing out on now is a volunteering opportunity I have....well, had.

I have been volunteering with HMAR since August of last year as Dispatch. I sit at home and answer calls. My air conditioner, couch, change of clothes, wash clothes, fans...all here. But I wanted more. I wanted to be in the field. Hanging at the beach all day talking to people and educating them about marine animals sounded like a blast. Every now and then you get to see some really cool stuff. There was a yearning to get more involved.

So, I asked, they said yes, and I went to training.

I was in a covered yet open space that had a decent breeze with 20 or so “no longer teenagers” and a few older types like me.

Apparently, I was the only one suffering from menopause and every single person got to see it.

They told us to bring water etc., because we were going to be in training for 6 hours. I complied and brought what I thought was more than I needed but I was wrong.

In only 6 hours, I had no less than 8 hot flashes and one wave of nausea that sent me outside. I drank so much water to cool down, I had to pee every half an hour. I had to ask for colder water for my washcloth even when I had my neck fan on. I barely made it through.

When I finally got in my car to go, I blasted that AC.

After getting home, taking a shower, and mulling over this opportunity I decided it was best I not participate. My menopause would be a drain to them. There are some times when I just cannot cool off and I either need a cold shower, pool or ocean and when you are on shift, that is kind of impossible. Leaving your post every thirty minutes to pee is also not acceptable.

Now what I learned at this training will help me in my dispatch position, so it was not a loss whatsoever, but it is a disappointment to me and yes, I feel like I am missing out.

I’ll ask again because I KNOW that many of you who read my stuff have missed out as well. Please, tell me about it....