The Menopause Stores

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Menopause and Goldilocks?

I feel like Goldilocks. Now I don’t have three bears to contend with BUT I think Goldilocks suffers from menopause.  

Think about it. Now look it up. Now laugh your ass off.  

The original story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears featured an old woman, not a little kid. Mind blown, glass shattering. 

"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is a 19th-century English fairy tale of which three versions exist. The original version of the tale tells of an obscene old woman who enters the forest home of three anthropomorphic bachelor bears while they are away. 

That is from Wikipedia. Here is the whole story: 

Can you hear me laughing? Now the whole story makes sense. 

But what really happened? 

Why is the main character called an “obscene” old woman? Obscene how? Was she horny, upset, crazy? And how old? Old was different back in the 1800s, so was she 30, 40, 50? 

·        Was she running through the streets ranting?

·        Or was she just hot and sweaty and it was interpreted and something different?

·        Maybe her husband was not sympathetic to her menopause symptoms, and she lost it?

·        Was there no place in her own home where she could be comfortable?

·        She ran into a bachelor pad, might there have been a reason for it? (Think sex.) 

Food is “iffy” with me as I am pickier than I was before. Fidgeting just comes with sitting in any chair. And I can’t get comfortable in bed, a new one each day would be heaven. I get Goldilocks. Do you? I have no need for the bachelors though! 

This could actually be one of the original stories of menopause. It is a horrible story. Even the new versions. And of course, a man wrote it. 

What is your interpretation now that you know Goldilocks is not a young child? How do you feel about how this woman was portrayed? Do YOU think this could have been a story about menopause?