The Menopause Stores

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Menopause and The Pregnancy Hormone HCG

Do you ever feel like you are pregnant during your menopause? I did from day one. Just like I knew I was pregnant the day the child was conceived. How you ask?

I threw up.

Pregnancy nausea is different than hangover nausea or food poisoning nausea. Pregnancy nausea tends to linger, come in waves, and will hit you at any time of least in me.

I absolutely, one hundred percent, hated being pregnant.

So, when menopause hit and gave me pregnancy symptoms, I said WTF?

There is no physical way for me to be pregnant. I have no uterus; my tubes are tied and I’m in my 5th year of menopause. Sure, an Ectopic pregnancy is possible but highly unlikely in that any pregnancy lasting 5 years plus would kill me.

When I told the first doctor I visited for menopause that I felt pregnant, he ordered a blood test, and it was found that I have an elevated HCG level. But he took convincing, they all do.

A year later, still the same symptoms, another blood test, still elevated HCG.

Five years later, the new doctor does a urine test...not pregnant. A blood test on the other hand, says I am.

The nausea continues.

I cannot tell if the bloating and/or sore boobs at times are related to the HCG or just menopause.

When I was pregnant, the nausea was 24/7 for 9 months. Obviously not pregnant but the HCG hormone has had me feel pregnant for more than five years.

Why do I still need to convince doctors this is true? Some have argued with me, some want more tests. I honestly don’t care anymore. I deal with it.

Nowadays it hits me about one or two times a day. If hubby is around, he hands me a few paper towels and/or holds my hair back. Usually if I stop moving it will go away.

Typically, it is followed by a really nice hot flash and those are the times I just really need these menopause symptoms to stop. Just stop.

Every product out there is going to be hit or miss. Why? The studies have not been conducted long enough and personally, THEY only study what THEY want, not necessarily what women need.

Good luck out there ladies because we are on our own.