The Menopause Stores

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Menopause and Your Significant Other

My SO is a man who is a few years older than me. He does not remember his mother and menopause, so my SO has nothing to go on.

There was a point, before my full blown menopause started, when we would be sitting on the couch watching TV and I would feel slightly warm and ask him to feel my forehead. Always no fever of course.

When menopause hit me full on my SO took it like a champ. The AC down one minute and the heater up the next.

He watched me try every product in the books, and on the internet, with zero results. He held my hair when I threw up from my HCG hormone.

When I am hot, he is cold when I am cold, he is hot. I can freeze on a ninety degree day in the sun.

When I turn the AC to 76 overnight, he puts on sweatpants and a flannel while I wander around practically naked.

Many nights, again due to the elevated HCG hormone, I have no interest in food or cooking. He deals and has cereal or a bagel.

He never, ever complains. Not sure how he does it because I can be hell to live with, without adding menopause.

But he sees the hot flash. It’s not hard. My forehead starts dripping with sweat and I put a frozen washcloth on my head. He sees how many times it happens. He reads about it too.

Women are bloody warriors. We deal once a month with a period, then having babies and now menopause. We are the cycle of life.

Sometimes we get a SO that understands that.