The Menopause Stores

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Menopause Voodoo Pains – A Definition for Some of the Mysterious Symptoms of Menopause

When you were a child, did you ever make a voodoo doll? If you are not sure of what this is, here is an explanation: a doll made to resemble a person in order to cast spells on them or to harm them by harming the doll.

So, if you stick a pin in the dolls leg, the person the doll resembles will have the same pain.

Aka: Voodoo Pains

Sometimes my leg will buckle, or I will drop something because my hand cramps, but it only lasts for three seconds or so.

There is no way to explain this to a doctor or to catch it on some kind of medical monitor. It is just what happens.

If it lasts more than a few seconds, it is NOT a Voodoo pain, please call your doctor or 911 depending on the severity of the symptom.

Now that we have given them a name, take a deep breath. We ALL have these pains. You are NOT alone.