The Menopause Stores

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What Affects Your Menopause?

I’ve said this before and I’m going to say it again, doctors do not know SQUAT about Menopause, and it blows my mind that any claim they do.

There is one and only one exception to that: The doctor that has gone through their menopause.

I use They/Them/Their pronouns because anyone with a female reproductive system who identifies as a man, but hasn’t undergone any medical interventions, is most likely to go through menopause. I will never assume anyone’s identity.

My menopause symptoms are different from yours and theirs. Yours are different from mine. There is no study for this as we are ALL different.

Example: Do you think women from all these different backgrounds have the same menopause?

·        Pick a Race – Middle Class – Tons of processed foods when young. One live birth. Has had medical issues. 5’2”, 125

·        Pick a Race – Middle Class – Barely any processed foods. Three live births. No hysterectomy. No health issues. 5’9”, 180

·        Pick a Race – Upper Class – Eats out a lot. Two live births, one miscarriage. Partial hysterectomy. Has diabetes. 5’4”, 200

·        Pick a Race – Lower class – Farm raised, no chemicals. No pregnancies. No health issues. 5’7”, 115.

Now start adding all of the other variables that can occur:

·        Immunizations, x-rays through our life, surgeries, and antibiotics we have taken. Do they have any effect on our menopause?

·        The chemicals we breath, eat and drink, do they have any bearing on our symptoms?

·        What about where we were born and raised?

For all we know, some of our symptoms could be based on whether we are dog or cat people, Crest or Colgate, or the soap we use. Who knows.

Besides the basics they tell us to avoid: Added sugars, alcohol, etc., what do you think affects your menopause that is different from theirs?