Hot and Healthy – Thriving Through Menopause One Pound at a Time – Day 20 (3/1/2024)
I lost too much weight too quickly. The internet says it is mostly water weight even though I am keeping quite hydrated. I weighed in today at 126.4. Down almost 2 pounds in a week but it won’t all stick. Am I happy to see that number? Of course I am, but this is not a race to see who is quickest. It’s a race to see who has stamina.
Me, or the fat.
Stamina will get you to the results you want the right way, which, in my case, is ½ pound a week. But, my excuse? The last week was tough between hubby doctor appointments and mine, a friend visiting, and a bit of a cold. I wasn’t that hungry in general. I don’t stress eat, I stress starve. So I fully expect to gain back a bit of the lost weight in the next week as things slow down but if I keep losing, I will be OK with that as well.
Some of the stress is money related as, like many others, we live above our means here in Hawaii. We knew we would tap into savings to stay here. We knew it wouldn’t last forever and it won’t. I guess we have another year or so and I plan on making the most of it.
I had a half a protein shake this morning to get me going. I had to do some stuff and all. Then I had a yogurt. I love Foragers Cashew & Coconut yogurts even though they have 9 grams of added sugar and 13% trans fat. But I cannot stand Greek yogurt and I’m trying to stay away from dairy. I don’t eat them every day, but 3 or 4 times a week. I weigh the good part of yogurt, the probiotics and protein versus the sugar and fat. Albeit some of the fats are from nuts and semi-healthy at least.
Going to try and exercise, the coughing may prevent that..I will let you know.
I found a workout you can do after an illness, moderate, but it hurt my shoulders too much as a lot was on the floor, so I gave up on her, and did my own stuff to her chatting and boy did she chat. I don’t tell someone I don’t like their stuff, others may, but just I won’t post it here if I can’t at least do 75% of the workout. Sorry, no link today.
I had a protein shake afterwards and still felt very, very hungry, so I am making a known “kick that cold right out of you” recipe and modifying it to make it at least partially vegan.
Garlic Chicken. MMMMMM. Ton’s of garlic, like you use 4-5 cloves per two pieces of chicken, and usually tons of butter but we’re going with vegan butter this time, and much less of it, and I’ll see if it changes the flavor too much.
Alon with my vegan butter garlic chicken, I made corn with jalapeno and Thai Bird Peppers and baked French fries with olive oil, salt and pepper. I used a no sugar barbecue sauce for the fries.
Dinner turned out well. A slightly different flavor in the sauce due to the vegan butter, but not bad.
It could have used more garlic.
You can find all the videos I workout to on my YouTube Channel.