HPV, Cervical Cancer and a Follow-up to my Dermatologist Trip

No this is not directly related to menopause but it’s important.

So, I have more research to do and more gynecologists to speak with, but I may have had HPV. Here’s the thing though: In talking with other women my age, I was not told the same things they were after the surgery I had to remove my cervical cancer.

Here is what I do know and yes, I may be repeating myself.

I had what I was told was cervical cancer at the age of 18.

I was told by a doctor that my time to have kids would be limited.

I was NOT told to tell my previous sex partners and future sex partners I had an sexually transmitted disease.

I was NOT told I was contagious in any way.


The women that I spoke with were told those things…not me. I would have remembered.

What this boils down to, as the records have been destroyed, is that either the doctors had no clue what I had was HPV or I was lied to. From this point forward, I will go under the assumption that I had HPV. And even though the equipment is no longer there, I will carry this virus forever.

The lesson in this is that if you have a mole or discoloration on the skin around your ass, get it checked out. If you feel something funny in your throat, check it out. It may very well be complications of HPV.

No one in the world knows everything about HPV yet but they sure know more than they did 13 years ago when my ass cancer was removed after being told for two years it was a mole, but even that dermatologist did not tell me it was HPV related.

Just question everything, Ok?


Menopause and Hormone Testing


Ovarian Cysts and Their Possible Symptoms