Menopause and Hormone Testing

Doctors have changed the timeline for menopause. Personally, my head shakes when I hear “pre” menopause” and “post” menopause as we are all suffering from the same symptoms, and it is simply a change in our internal hormone structure. And how old we are.

Hormones tend to change by the second, the minute, the hour. Hormones react to foods, drink, the environment, situations.

Hormones run rampant through our bodies and are evolving as we do.

Scientists are working on different ways to monitor our health. They have invented things like sweat monitors, and sensors that track cortisol. Diabetics have glucose monitors, there are wearable EKG’s.

So far, not one person has invented a way to monitor a woman’s hormones twenty four hours a day. After a bit of research, I found this in the UK: “Hormona is a science backed, personalized solution for you to finally manage your hormones on your own terms.” That is from their website.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Imagine the menopause studies that could come from this. They are not quite ready for menopause yet, but it is on their coming soon roster!

Menopausal women need more innovation. This is a great start.

The UK is dealing with menopause in the workplace and how to monitor hormones.

Why aren’t we doing more of this in the US?

This should be a worldwide effort.





The Price of Menopause


HPV, Cervical Cancer and a Follow-up to my Dermatologist Trip