The Menopause Stores

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Menopause and Sun, Sand and Salt

What keeps you sane? How do you balance your life?

Honestly, sometimes it’s just too exhausting to write a blog every day and then when the energy comes back, I can write for days...then nothing again.

There are also three other businesses, with clients and boards that need my attention.

And a house and a husband and two indoor cats. And me.

I need beach time. Sun, sand, and salt keep me sane.

I grew up in Hollywood, CA, one hill away from the Hollywood Sign. The nearest beach, Santa Monica, was about 45 minutes away by car, 2 hours by bus.

My male parent was fond of the beach and was a lifeguard at SM back in the day. We would go every weekend he had me when it was warm enough.

When I was a teenager without a car, I would trek there any way I could and any chance I got. Living at home was....not always nice.

Living in Minnesota was a bust and I only lasted a year. No ocean.

Then I moved to the South Bay. Hermosa Beach. I could walk or bike to the beach. That was heaven. I could see the ocean every day, smell the salt water....It was fantastic.

After many years in the South Bay, I met the love of my life and moved to Philadelphia. Look at a map. It is nowhere close to an ocean. But we did have a pool there which was tolerable and heated 5-6 months a year.

Our next move was to Florida. They had a naked beach we liked, and we enjoyed it for quite some time. When it came time to leave Florida, we were semi-undecided as to what to do next.

Now we are in Hawaii, and I can see my ocean every single morning again. I can smell the salt air most days and I get to walk in the most amazing sunlight. The beach is 15 minutes away. I go as often as I can.

Menopause is a difficult time in our lives ladies. You must take some time for yourself.