Menopause News: TV personality and game show host Kelly Ripa has hot flash during prime time!

The talented Kelly Ripa, Host of Generation Gap, takes off her jacket during the show declaring a hot flash AND they leave it unedited!

LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Why is this a headline? Because we are starting to see women in positions of influence having hot flashes in public.

They are having MENOPAUSE in public!

This is incredible for us ladies suffering through menopause. It is no longer hidden; we are no longer made to feel shameful for what we naturally go through. We always say, let men have babies and see what that’s like. Well, try a year or more of menopause (I’m going into year 5) with no known end in sight. Pregnancy has an end date. Menopause does not.

What if men went through their namesake? Offices would have cooling rooms and sanctuary spaces where they could re-load, nap or take a shower. Don’t you wish guys could spend just one day in our shoes? Let them have a period, be pregnant, go through menopause… The world would be a quite different place. The reason it’s not: men are bigger than us and more threatening than most women and they were much more so back in the day when they decided they were more important than women.

Most philosophers: male. Most doctors: male. Most politicians: male

It is time for this to be over. We BIRTH them and then they have the nerve to chastise us and make us hide our symptoms for being our natural selves. What if we decided to gender select only female babies in the United States the way China did for boy babies? Would we finally get some leaders with a conscience? Take down the white male social order and maybe the world would be a better place. Start with fraternities please.

I do not hate men, I hate the white male hierarchy that thinks they are smarter than women are. Women are 100 times smarter than men. Women are, simply put, more mindful, more logical, and more caring than men by nature. We think ahead more often and plan accordingly. Men react.

No, this isn’t all men, no this isn’t all women, but it’s a hefty majority.

But the times, they are a changing. Will we one day be men’s equals in their eyes? Doubt it in my lifetime, but with so many people acknowledging different identities, possibly we will end up on an equal playing field one day.


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