The Menopause Stores

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The Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause symptoms are the worst, and no symptom matters unless it is happening to you.

Hot flashes (why are there so many words for this? Hot flushes, night sweats… It is Hot Flashes), low libido or sex drive, dry vagina, bloating, dry skin. Ok, those are the ones they mention in the book. How about all the others? The ones above can possibly be "treated" with prescriptions, OTC's or herbal supplements, oils, etc. for the most part.

What about VooDoo pains? The stabbing in the side of your head. Your foot tweaks for no reason. The sudden and unbelievable stomach pain goes away in 3 seconds or less. (Seriously, if it lasts longer than that, see a doctor). Menopause brings a host of menopause symptoms that no one could possibly diagnose as they happen so quickly and infrequently, yet they can be debilitating. And bloody scary if you don’t know about them. I am here to tell you they are real. Now breathe.

So many symptoms, so little time.

Time: They could give us that if they wanted. What is the question we all have: WHEN WILL IT END? Why isn’t there a test? Where is the research? We can get a test for anything but not to see how much longer menopause will last? They can only give you the best guess and that is if you get a somewhat compassionate doctor.

Now some basic research has been done but when asked of a doctor, the answer was “We don’t know”. Well, there is a test and it measures the amount of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in the blood. It is FDA approved, back in 2018. Two male doctors told me there was no accurate test. One female doctor never mentioned it.Below is the information about it if you care to read it but if there is a test that will tell us when our menopause symptoms will end, shouldn’t we all be allowed to get it right now? Like yesterday?After you read this article about the test for menopause, leave us your comments. Talk to me about your VooDoo pains as a symptom of menopause. Bring it on ladies!

Again from Wikipedia: (The link to the article is below, I kept only 2 paragraphs, the last line is pretty important as well.)“Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), also known as Müllerian-inhibiting hormone (MIH), is a glycoprotein hormone structurally related to inhibin and activin from the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, whose key roles are in growth differentiation and folliculogenesis.[5] In humans, the gene for AMH is AMH, on chromosome 19p13.3,[6] while the gene AMHR2 codes for its receptor on chromosome 12.[7] AMH is also a product of granulosa cells of the preantral and small antral follicles in women.

As such, AMH is only present in the ovary until menopause.[16] Production of AMH regulates folliculogenesis by inhibiting recruitment of follicles from the resting pool in order to select for the dominant follicle, after which the production of AMH diminishes.[16][17] As a product of the granulosa cells, which envelop each egg and provide them energy, AMH can also serve as a molecular biomarker for relative size of the ovarian reserve.[18] In humans, this is helpful because the number of cells in the follicular reserve can be used to predict the timing of menopause.[19] In bovine, AMH can be used for selection of females in multi-ovulatory embryo transfer programs by predicting the number of antral follicles developed to ovulation.[20] AMH can also be used as a marker for ovarian dysfunction, such as in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).”