Menopause – Drug Companies and The Quick Fix: The Exploitation of Menopausal Women

Menopause – Drug Companies and The Quick Fix: The Exploitation of Menopausal Women

To treat our menopause would be to possibly risk our lives because pharmaceutical companies are using women as guinea pigs. There is not one side effect I want to risk having and they have not studied these drugs long enough.

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Menopause - How to Cool Off

Menopause - How to Cool Off

For six years I have tried and tossed many products because my menopause says they are not suited for me or my hot flashes.

The product either broke right away, did not live up to its claims, or was just plain uncomfortable in one way or another.

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Introducing (finally)The Menopause Support Line

Introducing (finally)The Menopause Support Line

We all need support during menopause.

Sometimes it can come from friends and family.

Others have no one to talk to.

Do you need to talk or vent about your menopause? Any part of it?

I am here to listen.

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Menopause and Snake Oil
Kristen Petroff Kristen Petroff

Menopause and Snake Oil

My husband is a salesman. He could sell you swampland in Hawaii, and, is so good at what he does, he convinced this California girl to move to Pennsylvania for 8 years. But he sold me a promise that could be delivered. He was not a Snake Oil Salesman.

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Menopause and The EMBR Wave 2

Menopause and The EMBR Wave 2

Hot flashes are the main symptom of my Menopause. No other symptom affects my life nearly as much, so I am willing to try just about anything for hot flash relief.

There was a commercial for this product on TV. I thought it was worth investigating.

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The Price of Menopause
Kristen Petroff Kristen Petroff

The Price of Menopause

Since my menopause began in October of 2018, I have spent thousands on mixable concoctions, capsules, oils etc., to ease my symptoms…

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