Menopause and the Chin Hair
What is with the chin hair?

Menopause and Pain – Some Days You Just Cry
“Women who live with chronic pain have an additional issue that comes with age: menopause.”

Menopause and the Drug Companies – NK3 receptor antagonists (Think Veozah)
I love sitting here at the computer doing menopause research. It leads to such fascinating things. The first thing I googled today was: What menopause products are drug companies working on.

Menopause and Marijuana – Controlling the #3BHF
Menopause and Marijuana – Controlling the #3BHF

Menopause and the Clear Blue Hormone Test
First, why would I pay for this test when my doctor will do it for free? Second, all you are showing is a “moment in time”. Same as the test my doctor can give me. It means nothing and is a waste of women’s money. How dare you.

Menopause Headlines – Breaking News
“Hot flashes are more dangerous than previously thought, so prepare now”
What a fucking headline