Menopause – When Will Women Be a Priority?
Will menopause ever get the same attention as a soft penis?

Menopause - And the Size of Your House
The bigger the house, the harder it is to get to your stash before the hot flash hits.

Menopause – Do You Still Like Sex?
I am not willing to sacrifice my sex life for a few hot flashes and nauseous spells.

Menopause and Her Three Bears
I think Goldilocks IS in Menopause. She’s just afraid to tell anyone. Back then Menopause wasn’t a word people used in front of others.

Menopause and Addiction
Hi, My name is Kristen and I am an alcoholic.
Well, I’m not just an alcoholic. I am an addict.

Menopause and Dry Skin
I applied lotion one day and then a hot flash hit.

Menopause Pain – More Than Just Menopause? And How Race Factors In.
How do you tell where the pain is coming from? How do you know that it’s more than just menopause?

Menopause and Pain – Some Days You Just Cry
“Women who live with chronic pain have an additional issue that comes with age: menopause.”

Menopause – The Women I Would Love to Interview
Please, if you have a voice bigger than mine, speak up about Menopause. It’s time.

Menopause and The Pink (Period) Taxes
So, between the ages of 45 and 65 – the Menopause Years – the average woman loses $30,000.00 to the Pink Tax.

Menopause and Marijuana – Controlling the #3BHF
Menopause and Marijuana – Controlling the #3BHF

Introducing (finally)The Menopause Support Line
We all need support during menopause.
Sometimes it can come from friends and family.
Others have no one to talk to.
Do you need to talk or vent about your menopause? Any part of it?
I am here to listen.

Menopause and the #3BHF (Three minutes Before a Hot Flash)
Menopause makes you think of things that, BEFORE menopause, you would have never thought about or considered. But for a fleeting few minutes, you do. You think about the extreme. You are the extreme.

Menopause – A discussion between Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Lisa Mosconi-The Good, the Bad and the Unknown of the Menopausal Brain
Menopause – A discussion between Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Lisa Mosconi.
The Good, the Bad and the Unknown of the Menopausal Brain

Menopause and the Clear Blue Hormone Test
First, why would I pay for this test when my doctor will do it for free? Second, all you are showing is a “moment in time”. Same as the test my doctor can give me. It means nothing and is a waste of women’s money. How dare you.

Menopause Headlines – Breaking News
“Hot flashes are more dangerous than previously thought, so prepare now”
What a fucking headline

Menopause and Medical Gaslighting
I frequently mention the dismissiveness of doctors. I never considered that some of these doctors could be gaslighting me.

Menopause and Exhaustion
When this happens on the weekend, at least I know I can just putter around if I want to but when it happens on a workday, it is almost impossible to handle. My eyes are just trying to shut and then if I try and lie down, I feel guilty that I am resting whilst I should be working. It’s not right to have this guilt. I need sleep.