Menopause – The Women I Would Love to Interview

So many talented, amazing, and famous women are speaking up about menopause.

Here is a small sampling:

Bette Midler, Drew Barrymore, Cynthia Nixon, Michele Obama, Salma Hayak, and Whoopie Goldberg.

I totally want to interview them. That was my initial list. But after thinking about it, I would also like to interview Martha Stewart, Nancy Pelosi, Lily Tomlin, Angela Bassett, Diane Lane and Joan Cusack.

The list could grow longer because when I think about menopause symptoms and what all of these women have to go through in the public eye, I want to know how they do it. I can’t even make it to the market without a hot flash and a nauseous spell.

You know how sometimes you feel a connection with someone you have never met, just because of an interview, TV show, movie or song?

I feel that with these women, and they have all been an important part of my life.

Bette Midler – My mom used to play the Divine Miss M all the time when I was a kid. Delta Dawn, Do You Want to Dance, Chapel of Love. I fell in love with her and her music before I was 8 years old. She has been talking about menopause since 2001.

Drew Barrymore – Introduced me to good horror with The Fire Starter and made me fall in love with her in Blended and I watched as she grew up into this amazing talented woman. How does she handle the lights, camera, action of a talk show with Menopause?

Cynthia Nixon – OMG...Do you remember the movie Little Darlings? The Manhattan Project? I wanted to be her character in both and have watched her evolve into an amazing human. Cynthia is much more than just Sex in the City and is vocal about menopause.

Michele Obama – Seriously, the First Lady....

Salma Hayak – From Dusk Until Dawn, Safari, and Dogma. Salma is so versatile and personable. It would be so cool to get Salma to take an interview. Yes, this sexy woman is in menopause too.

Whoopie Goldberg – Who wouldn’t want to interview Whoopie? How does she handle a talk show every day? Traveling? Wardrobe? How does she handle menopause? I want to hear the jokes she has come up with.

Martha Stewart – I did not like Martha for a long time because I thought she was “over-inflated” as a personality and then the stock scandal, but she has wormed her way back into my heart over the years and I would love to know how she handled Menopause with all she had going on at the time.

Nancy Pelosi – How did she handle working in the White House with menopause? With all those men, having to wear ALL those clothes.

Lily Tomlin – Ever since The Incredible Shrinking Woman I have had a girl crush on Ms. Tomlin and consider her one of the funniest women on screen. I love to see her still acting as she gets older. The stuff they came up with on Grace and Frankie regarding Menopause was hilarious. She is an animal advocate as well which make me love her even more: These tiny monkeys don’t go through “the change.” You won’t find them fanning themselves with banana leaves. So why are experimenters “studying menopause” using them? — Lily Tomlin

Angela Bassett – American Horror Story is one of the best thrillers on TV and her character, in every season she has been in, has been wonderful and creepy. AHS began in 2013, right when she should have been in menopause..I want to ask her about it.

Diane Lane – Saving one of the best for next to last. A Little Romance. BEST MOVIE EVER. As a young girl, Diane Lane gave me hope for romance. She showed me adventure and playfulness as a kid, and I always looked up to her. She hasn’t said a lot about menopause publicly, but I’d like her to.

Joan Cusack – Also in A Little Romance amongst a thousand other movies. This woman has never gotten the credit she deserves for the characters she plays on screen. She is only a few years older than me but has not mentioned menopause in public that I can find. I would love to have a chat.

There are some other women I would like to speak to about their menopause, but I do not have as much in common with them: Shania Twain, Tracee Ellis Ross, Naomi Watts, Kim Cattrell to name a few. ACK! There are so many more.


Please, if you have a voice bigger than mine, speak up about Menopause. It’s time.


Menopause – Your Body as a Clinical Trial


Menopause and The Pink (Period) Taxes