Cultural Realities VS Myths: Unveiling Menopause Experiences in Black and Asian Women
Women get belittled and shamed when trying to speak with their doctor about menopause. I’ve felt it, haven’t you?

Menopause and Sexual Wellness - The Sexuality Journey
Do you still love the intimacy associated with sex? The touch of a loving partner? A kiss worth 1000 diamonds?

Menopause and Waistline Woes – Do We Even Have a Chance? Yea, we do.
You and I will not have the same menopause even though we have the same symptoms. We will also not gain, nor lose weight the same way. Throw in genetics, race, outside influences, the poisons and plastics in our foods and you have hormonal disruption out the wazoo.

Menopause – When Will Women Be a Priority?
Will menopause ever get the same attention as a soft penis?

Menopause - And the Size of Your House
The bigger the house, the harder it is to get to your stash before the hot flash hits.

Menopause – Do You Still Like Sex?
I am not willing to sacrifice my sex life for a few hot flashes and nauseous spells.

Menopause and the Chin Hair
What is with the chin hair?

Menopause and Her Three Bears
I think Goldilocks IS in Menopause. She’s just afraid to tell anyone. Back then Menopause wasn’t a word people used in front of others.

Menopause and Addiction
Hi, My name is Kristen and I am an alcoholic.
Well, I’m not just an alcoholic. I am an addict.

Menopause – Drug Companies and The Quick Fix: The Exploitation of Menopausal Women
To treat our menopause would be to possibly risk our lives because pharmaceutical companies are using women as guinea pigs. There is not one side effect I want to risk having and they have not studied these drugs long enough.

Menopause and Dry Skin
I applied lotion one day and then a hot flash hit.

Menopause and Intrusive Thoughts
Most of our intrusive thoughts may never lead to anything but they can cause problems even if you do not act on them.

Menopause - Do we need to monitor our FSH? (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
Since Clear Blue has a commercial telling us we need to monitor our FSH, and many women will spend their hard earned money on this useless test, I thought we should investigate this more and find out why, and if, it is necessary.

Menopause - How to Cool Off
For six years I have tried and tossed many products because my menopause says they are not suited for me or my hot flashes.
The product either broke right away, did not live up to its claims, or was just plain uncomfortable in one way or another.

Menopause Pain – More Than Just Menopause? And How Race Factors In.
How do you tell where the pain is coming from? How do you know that it’s more than just menopause?

Menopause and Pain – Some Days You Just Cry
“Women who live with chronic pain have an additional issue that comes with age: menopause.”

Menopause and the Drug Companies – NK3 receptor antagonists (Think Veozah)
I love sitting here at the computer doing menopause research. It leads to such fascinating things. The first thing I googled today was: What menopause products are drug companies working on.

Menopause – The Women I Would Love to Interview
Please, if you have a voice bigger than mine, speak up about Menopause. It’s time.

Menopause and The Pink (Period) Taxes
So, between the ages of 45 and 65 – the Menopause Years – the average woman loses $30,000.00 to the Pink Tax.

Menopause and Your Risk for a Heart Attack
How are your menopause symptoms affecting YOUR heart?
Every single one of you, reading this, and in menopause with symptoms similar to mine, should have your heart checked and your cholesterol tested. And make the doctor listen to you.