Menopause and Weight Loss

Menopause and Weight Loss

Boy, this is a subject, isn’t it?

I need to lose weight. 15 pounds to be exact. 15 pounds to feel like myself again and not a frumpy old woman.

So I have started a weight loss journey that I am documenting in a separate blog from this one, still on this website. I encourage you to follow along.

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Menopause - Do we need to monitor our FSH? (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

Menopause - Do we need to monitor our FSH? (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

Since Clear Blue has a commercial telling us we need to monitor our FSH, and many women will spend their hard earned money on this useless test, I thought we should investigate this more and find out why, and if, it is necessary.

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Menopause - How to Cool Off

Menopause - How to Cool Off

For six years I have tried and tossed many products because my menopause says they are not suited for me or my hot flashes.

The product either broke right away, did not live up to its claims, or was just plain uncomfortable in one way or another.

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Menopause and the Drug Companies – NK3 receptor antagonists (Think Veozah)

Menopause and the Drug Companies – NK3 receptor antagonists (Think Veozah)

I love sitting here at the computer doing menopause research. It leads to such fascinating things. The first thing I googled today was: What menopause products are drug companies working on.

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Menopause and Your Risk for a Heart Attack

Menopause and Your Risk for a Heart Attack

How are your menopause symptoms affecting YOUR heart?

Every single one of you, reading this, and in menopause with symptoms similar to mine, should have your heart checked and your cholesterol tested. And make the doctor listen to you.

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Introducing (finally)The Menopause Support Line

Introducing (finally)The Menopause Support Line

We all need support during menopause.

Sometimes it can come from friends and family.

Others have no one to talk to.

Do you need to talk or vent about your menopause? Any part of it?

I am here to listen.

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Menopause and the #3BHF (Three minutes Before a Hot Flash)

Menopause and the #3BHF (Three minutes Before a Hot Flash)

Menopause makes you think of things that, BEFORE menopause, you would have never thought about or considered. But for a fleeting few minutes, you do. You think about the extreme. You are the extreme.

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