I’m tired.

Menopause + Full Moon = No sleep

I should have started my three melatonin days yesterday and did not. My bad.

Should have known better. First, I was soooooo tired all day two days ago for no good reason. That night when I went to bed, I had had a bit more Irish Cream before my tea because I was simply not tired.

NOTE: Alcohol does not change my hot flashes. They are no better nor any worse drinking or not drinking. Tried it. For months. Twice.

So, I finally hit dreamland around midnight and sleep for three amazing hours and then I start hot flashing again. Full moon = more hot flashes.

Then I only get about 20-30 minutes at a time until I give up and get up somewhere between 6:30am and 7:30am.

During the time from eyes closed until the realization of waking hits me, I also have to contend with a cat. And a husband who sometimes snores. I have 2 cats but my girl is an angel at night.

Last night...UGH....I finally fell asleep around midnight again, after feeling completely worn down all day. Got about two hours of sleep and here comes the sweats...and the cat....and the husband.

Wrapped in three towels, I finally fall into bed again and get another hour or so of sleep.

I did not remember to plug in the hair dryer, so my head was wet and cold.

My pillow was wet on both sides, the fitted sheet, the regular sheet, all soaked.

When this happens on the weekend, at least I know I can just putter around if I want to but when it happens on a workday, it is almost impossible to handle. My eyes are just trying to shut and then if I try and lie down, I feel guilty that I am resting whilst I should be working. It’s not right to have this guilt. I need sleep.

It is my hope in writing this down that next full moon, I remember to take my melatonin.

By the time I get this posted, most of you will be asleep...lucky ladies you are.

NOTE: Please talk to your doctor before taking melatonin.


Menopause and Veozah


Menopause and Clothes & Weather