Menopause and Veozah

So there was this article the other day on CNN and in my local paper about this new drug for Hot Flashes called Veozah, or fezolinetant. They claim it is the first approved “neurokinin 3” agonist.


What are you saying and are you speaking to humans?

Supposedly, this drug is for those unable to take HRT, hormone replacement therapy.

The article goes on to explain menopause to those of us who don’t know what it is and the drugs clinical trials, etc.

Then we get to the risks:

Liver injuries – What is a liver injury? Wouldn’t that be it I hit it against something, or someone hit me? What “liver injuries” are they talking about? And blood test every three months to make sure this drug is not injuring my liver is insane. Is it covered by insurance?

And what about the side effects?

“Abdominal pain, diarrhea, insomnia, back pain, hot flush and elevated liver enzymes.”

One of the side effects is hot flushes???? Ummm.... isn’t this drug supposed to quell them not cause them?

Here is the whole article:

The FDA tells us more:

“The prescribing information for Veozah includes a warning for elevated hepatic transaminase, or liver injury. Before using Veozah, patients should have blood work done to test for liver damage. While on Veozah, routine bloodwork should be performed every three months for the first nine months of using the medication. Patients experiencing symptoms related to liver damage—such as nausea, vomiting, or yellowing of the skin and eyes—should contact a physician. Veozah cannot be used with CYP1A2 inhibitors. Patients with known cirrhosis, severe renal damage or end-stage renal disease should not take Veozah. 

The most common side effects of Veozah include abdominal pain, diarrhea, insomnia, back pain, hot flush and elevated hepatic transaminases.”

Here is the link:

I don’t think we need more drugs to help us.

I think we would all benefit incredibly from being told how much longer we will be in menopause.

Where is THAT test?


Menopause and Goldilocks?


Menopause and Exhaustion