Hot and Healthy – Thriving Through Menopause One Pound at a Time – Day 16 (2/26/2024)
I may be sick. I was hoping yesterday was it, but alas, wrong again. It’s just a small cold, no fever, but It’s pissing me off. I slept well although I feel like taking a nap right this second.
I’ve had my yogurt, tea, and some water...working on more and then we’ll see if I motivate or nap.
Let’s talk about logging what you do. It wasn’t until I started seeing the calories and fat on paper that I realized how many extra calories I took in a day. By “on paper”, I really mean on my Loseit! App. The app breaks it down into Fat, Carbohydrates and Protein, called Macronutrients, and then it adds some sublevel stuff. So, this demanded I look up what I should be intaking a day for health and for weight loss.
My search was “what percentages should a female have of proteins, fats and carbs during menopause to lose weight”.
Remember what I said about the internet find what you want to find.
Here are the results, at least the ones that made sense to me.
From Women’s Health:
They do a whole explanation but here are the numbers they come up with.
50% carbs
35% protein
15% fat
Then From Yahoo!Life:
10% carbs
20% protein
70% fat
(70 percent healthy fats, 20 percent protein, and 10 percent complex carbs.)
Seriously different results so I changed the search term to “what should a menopausal woman do about macros to lose weight”.
It located a macros calculator:
I tried it. I ended up with the same percentages no matter what lifestyle was chosen. Only the calorie intake changed.
30% carbs
35% protein
35% fat
And from the National Library of Medicine:
40-50% carbs
20-25% protein
30% or less fat
Can we agree that Yahoo!Life is out of their bloody minds? I mean, maybe they have something, but it is quite out of the norm of the others I looked up. 70% Fats? Healthy or not, I don’t think so. I mean, sure, that is more fun but, nope.
I’m going to stick with the macros calculator and just up my protein.
I did not work out today and took this as my off day. I will get back at it tomorrow. I still drank my protein shakes and logged everything I ate and drank and was still under by 93 calories.
You can find all the videos I workout to on my YouTube Channel.